
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thirty before the BIG Thirty!

I've seen several bloggers make this list of thirty things they want to do before they are thirty. So I'm going to go ahead and jump on that band wagon. Not because I think its a good thing to blog about,.. but I'm actually quite interested to see what will show up on my list and what all I will actually get done before the big 3-0!

1. Run a sub 24 minute 5k
2. Travel outside of the country [Greece, Italy, France] - done

3. Go on a cruise (which would also help cross out #2) - done 
4. Build a house (working on that)- done
5. Take a spin class
6. Run a half marathon - done
7. Finish a marathon
8. Volunteer.. doesn't matter for what. Just something that needs me
9. Finish the scrapbook that I started about 8 years ago
10. Visit the Grand Canyon
11. Step foot onto California soil
12. Walk/drive through a Redwood Tree
13. Reach my goal weight
14. Visit Yellowstone National Park
15. Add another schnauzer to our family
16. Win big at the Casino
17. Become an aunt
18. Ride a train
19. Help a stranger
20. Bring a little Shaw into the world
21. Take a road trip out West (could also include #10, 11, & 12)
22. Learn to sew
23. Buy an expensive camera 
24. Buy ONE really expensive pair of jeans
25. Be a part of a flash mob
 26. Have a signature "dish" that I'm known for
27. Learn to be more patient
28. Learn to "can"
29. Sing Karaoke,.. solo
30. Learn to not let the idea of turning 30 bother me

Also, I guess you should know that I will be 30 on February 26th, 2015. So I have 3 years and 6 months to get this all done! Wish me luck! :)

[revised 9.5.11]

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