
Monday, September 5, 2011

the baby perception

My previous blog "Thirty before the BIG Thirty" was a list of thirty things that I would like to do before reaching the age of thirty. When writing the list.. about 25 things immediately popped up in my head that HAD to go on the list. Four or five of the rest.. I kinda had to think about. 

One of the things that ORIGINALLY made my list was "to have a child".. when I wrote [typed] this as my number 8... I didn't like the way that it looked... or how I had written it. After staring at those 4 words a while.. I deleted the line.. and went on with my list... planning to come back to that "activity" in a later number. If you read the original list.. you may have noticed it didn't make the cut. I went about with activity after activity never naming *child bearing* as one of my to-do's. A few people mentioned this... [I wont say any names] and I immediately remembered the line that I HAD actually written but deleted from my list. Forgetting to add it back later on.

Yes.. I do want a child. 

I wouldn't say that baby fever has kicked in by NO means. But I do know in my heart, Lord willing, that I would like to ONE day be a mother. [even though that phrase does sound quite weird coming from me] I'm not sure when that day will be.. but I think it would be such a joy. Several of my close friends have children.. and they are nothing short of a blessing. I've often wondered if I'd be a good mother or not.. but I guess there is only one way to find out. 

Until then. We wait. hahha! :)

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