
Friday, September 9, 2011

My husband is a dare devil

My dear sweet husband, Hank, definitely knows how to run some heavy equipment. I've seen him run machinery of all types several times and he has always operated the machines with great ease... without any brush with deaths that I have witnessed. I've never really been worried about him running any tractors or such, but last night I got a little apprehensive while watching him dig our water line to our new house. After 2 evenings of him digging the 4 foot deep, 2 foot wide and about 150 foot long trench he finished. But at one little area there was a spot that wasn't as deep as the rest. So of course Hank felt like he needed to finish getting the dirt out even though I told him that we could finish up the small area with "shuffles" [yes I said shuffles.. while meaning to say shovels. and I think from now on my brain will automatically send me the word shuffles to say instead of the right word, and people will think I'm crazy.] Anyways. He wouldn't hear of it. He was going to get the last bit of dirt out.. "Why use shovels when I have a big shovel right here?" Okay fine. Go for it. Little did I know that he was going to be putting on a dare devil stunt and scaring the crap out of me. I wish I had a video of him crossing the trench he dug with his excavator machine. Almost tipping into the hole, which he wouldn't have fallen completely in with the machine, but still could have hurt him by throwing him off. After not one, but two attempts of crossing the trench and the excavator jerking about as if its a mechanical bull... he was unable to get the last bit of dirt out. I'm just thankful we were able to finish up the project without any trips to the emergency room. This definitely shows me that Hank is even more competent running this kind of machinery than I thought. But that doesn't make it any less scary. I will gladly "shuffle" out the remaining dirt with a smile on my face as long as I don't have to watch him take any more chancy risks of being thrown down, off, under or wherever he would have landed!

Ohhh and did you see the sun setting in those pictures behind Hank? I told you September was amazingly beautiful!

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