
Monday, September 12, 2011

My weekend is gone, and I'm ready for its return.

Last week was absolute torture. And I mean it. 

You would think that only working 4 days instead of the usual 5 would make for a faster, easier week.. but no. Those 4 endless days seemed to drag on and on. I never thought I'd see Friday at 5 o'clock... but of course once it did roll around... time FLEW! It could have a lot to do with how busy Hank & I were this past weekend, because I am pretty sure we didn't stop the whole 2 days. Almost every weekend is nothing but complete fun... filled with me spending 99.9% of my time awake glued to Hank's side. But this weekend seemed like I got to spend EVEN more time with him.

A few evenings this past week, Hank dug a trench for our water line to go in. (see my previous daredevil post) So Saturday was our big day for us to buy all of our pipe, connecters, etc to install the actual water line.. in which neither Hank nor I had any experience in doing. Thankfully my sweet daddy came out to help us connect all of the pipe together,.. which ended up being super easy once we had all of the correct pieces. We had to run around 200 foot of pipe from the water meter to the side of our house.. and had it all done in about 15 minutes! I was impressed! I'm not sure exactly how much money we saved by doing it ourselves... but we saved money nonetheless. 

Later that night we met up with the Helton's at Keg & Barrel for some good food & about 4 hours of catching up. It was MUCH needed. Adriane is one of my dearest, best friends and I definitely don't get to see her enough! Her husband, Michael, is also one of the sweetest people you will ever meet in your entire life and they are nothing short of perfect for each other. Nice people just go together well! haha!

Sunday morning.. Ginny & I had decided that we needed to have a long run since it had been so long since we had really gotten our butts out there and ran. We had planned on doing 11 miles.. but after about 8 we were feeling the effects of our slackerness kicking in. We were able to finish a little over 9 miles before calling it quits limping back to our starting point. This week it is ON! I will run at least 25 miles.. come hell or high water. It just has to be done. I feel so much better after running... and I don't need to go as long as I did without getting out there! Especially since the weather is cooler now.. I need to be taking advantage of these cooler mornings! {slaps hand}

The rest of my wonderful Sunday was spent with my most favorite person in the world, Hank. Its really nice to have some one who is always there for you. Someone whom you have a million inside jokes with, who knows when something is wrong without you having to tell them, who asks how your day was and really cares about what your answer will be. Someone who only wants the best for you, and does things for you that they don't really want to do at all... but they do anyways... just to make you happy. And so on & so on... this list could very well go on all day. I'm completely grateful, blessed, lucky to have him in my life. After being together for 9 years and married for 5 1/2, I love him more everyday. Cheesy as it sounds, its true. The best part about my weekend is definitely him. 

”We need a witness to our lives.  There's a billion people on the planet, what does any one life really mean? But in a marriage, you're promising to care about everything.  The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things, all of it, all of the time, every day.  You're saying 'Your life will not go unnoticed because I will notice it.  Your life will not go unwitnessed because I will be your witness'." -Susan Sarandon, Shall We Dance

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