
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

My last post was almost 2 months ago. I am ashamed. I've thought about blogging several times in the last 2 months... but nothing ever came of it. When I first started writing this blog, I said that I would not post anything just to post it.... just to have something there. That if I truly didn't feel like writing anything, then I simply wouldn't. And soooo two months have gone by. Its not that I didnt have anything to write about.. I was just either too busy or too tired to sit down and do it. A lot of things have actually happened in the last two months of my life... and instead of trying to go back and blog about each of them individually.. I'm going to write a little summary here! Here we go... :)

  • House update!!! We have cabinets, trim, and doors. OHHH MY!!! Some paint on the walls (primer) and as of yesterday about 90% of our lights are hung! I will have to add pictures later... because I've been nothing short of a slacker.. and not even sure I have taken any updated pictures. I'll do better.
  • I ran a 5k last Saturday. The hustle for honduras 5k.. at First Baptist in Laurel. I was *almost* the FIRST girl to finish overall.. but was passed up in the last 500 feet by a 33 year old. BUMMMEERRR. But was still able to bring home a medal with first in my age division. :) So not a total loss. lol.
  • Hank & I went to see the Zac Brown Band on October the 29th at the Coast Coliseum. They were FANTASTIC! There were TONS of people in the general admission area where we were.. so besides the fact that I felt like I could be squished to oblivion at any moment (okay, so it wasn't that packed), we both had a great time. 
  • The half marathon is just in two weeks!!! Well, two weeks & two days! EEEEEK! Ginny & I are both so excited. I can't wait.
  • I ALSO signed up for a FULL marathon (aahhheeemm 26.2 miles) on March 4, 2012. Just 16 more weeks. I'm really excited & nervous about this one. But if I can just keep training weekly without any major hang ups or injuries.. then I believe that I will be just fine... maybe.
  • One little random bit of info.. but I was just too ecstatic about this one not to share. I found a $1400 clawfoot tub at lowes for $200. yep thats right! who says bargains don't exist?? because they are wrong! boooo-yahh!
  • Ohhhh. NEW YORK COMIC CON!!!! Most of you knew that this past February.. that Ginny & I had secretly planned to take Hank & Kevin to New York for a week to attend the NYCC. And thats just what we did! I will include a few pictures from the trip. It was a complete blast! I took tons of photos of people dressed up as characters... some of which we knew who they were supposed to be, while others I am still trying to figure out. Unfortunately they are not transferred to my computer.. but I promise to add them to a later blog!!! They are just too good not to share.

I will try my best to keep the blog going at some what constantness. I won't make any promises. I have so much to share though,.. hopefully I won't let laziness or tiredness keep me away. Until next time! ;)

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