
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

its tuesday!

Yep. Its that time again. Triple Tangent Tuesday. Lets see what we have in store for today. hahah.

  1.  Hank and I have a miniature schnauzer named Cash. He is pretty much like our child. This November he will be 3 years old.. and I don't think we'd know how to act without him. He acts like he believes he is a little boy.. and is smart as a whip... (however smart that is.) :)

 He is sporting his mohawk in this one! :)

2. We finally got the "word" on our easement. {insert back flip here}. FINALLY,.. after waiting 4 months we are now going to be able to START. It almost seems surreal after all of the mess. Now we are just waiting on a few last minute adjustments and as of right now we are SET to start on Monday, July 25th. What a glorious day it shall be!

3. I had a small brush with death this past Sunday. Or at least I thought so anyway. Hank & I were going to go swimming in my parent's pool.. and I had opened up a plastic bucket full of chlorine tablets to put into the pool. Since the bucket had been sitting in the sun, the chlorine tablets were sizzling. Me, being the smart person that I am, leaned my head down to listen and inhaled the largest breath I've ever taken. BAD IDEA! Inhaling chlorine is very dangerous and it sent me into a 30 minute coughing spell. Which involved each breath feeling like my lungs were on fire. My chest didn't fully recover until early Monday morning,.. and my throat still feels somewhat scratchy. But Hank has assured me that I will live. And that we didn't need to call Poison Control.

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