
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

oh the places you will go

Several of my friends have recently taken an interest in running, and I couldn't be happier. I'm no guru on the topic, all I know is the things that I have read and what I have learned from just getting out there and doing it. Every one is different and what works for me probably won't work for everyone else. A few of you have had questions about "how to get started" so I thought maybe I would write a blog about it. Hey,.. why not? hahah. Hopefully those of you who are interested will find some of this information to be helpful. 

I am not a doctor. This is my own findings from my own experience. I can't promise anything, just thought these would be some helpful tips for beginners.
  •  Eat something small about an hour before you plan to run. To me this helps with cramps. Also definitely have water available while you are running,.. especially at the beginning. Most articles say that you need to drink 8 ounces of water for every 15 minutes of exercise that you do.
  • START SLOW - A lot of people think when they first begin that they can put out 3 miles at their top speed and call it a day. Welllllll. I wouldn't do that. Number one,.. you aren't going to make it 3 miles most likely. Your lungs are going to freak out and they will probably feel like they are collapsing in on you. Start off with small goals and a steady pace but nothing near "pushing it." If you haven't previously ran.. it is going to take some time to get your WHOLE body used to it. Maybe do a half mile or mile the first day,... alternating jogging and walking. Maybe jog for a minute and then walk for a minute. And work up speed and mileage from there.
  • Every time you run.. if possible, try to add a little more running into the mix. Like I said before don't "push it" the first couple of weeks. Just let your body get used to what you are making it do.
  • When starting out... don't run every day. Give your legs time to rest in between. Maybe start out running 2 or 3 days a week and go from there. Find what is comfortable for you and what you can handle.
  • In the beginning, I couldn't run without an ipod. Music helps distract from what you are doing. This is GREAT for running on a treadmill.. since your view isn't changing. Now that I run outside more than anything else... I almost prefer NOT to have any music blaring in my ears. And just enjoy the sights and sounds of being outside. 
  • Chewing gum helps prevent "cotton mouth." Which seems to me to occur more when running outside in humid weather. 
  • If you are planning on running a lot outside, I would recommend downloading a running application onto your phone. They keep up with your pace, mileage, time, etc. They are quite helpful and there are tons that are free. I have a blackberry and use endomondo. Its okay. I hear there are tons more for android phones. CHECK INTO IT!
  • Invest in some good running shoes. Just your average tennis shoe probably isn't the best thing for your feet to run in. So if you are really serious about running and you think you will do it for a while.. I highly suggest getting running shoes,.. and ONLY running in them.
  • Sometimes running 4+ miles at a time.. you are more susceptible to shin splints or calf muscle cramps after running. Investing in a pair or two of "compression calf sleeves" can help with that. You can buy them in sock form or sleeve form & they are worth every penny. I have the Zensah brand & love them.

  •  Find a running partner. Having someone to run with makes all the difference in the world. Find someone who is interested in starting running as well, and you've hit the jackpot. Together you can figure out what works and doesn't work.. and can set goals to reach together. It definitely helps to have someone to help keep you accountable.
  • I like to use keep up with my miles. It gives you an overview for each week and you can look back and know how many miles you are doing each month.
  • I also suggest "liking" or "we run this' (<----- running page for women) on facebook. They constantly post articles about running that are very interesting and helpful. 
  • One last thing. Every DAY is different. Just depending on how your body feels. There are some days I can run 5 miles and not miss a beat. Other days I am struggling to finish 2 miles. You'll learn which days you need to call it quits earlier in the run and when to push through. 
 I hope that these are helpful. It always helps to have someone that you can ask questions to. A friend of mine, Jeremy, has been a huge help to me and answered a TON of my questions! So if you have any questions please, please, please feel free to ask. If I don't know the answer, maybe I can find it for you. 

I believe that a lot of running is about trial & error and just finding what works for you. Someone may go by all of my tips and it not work for them. You just have to find what you are comfortable with. I can't stress enough how different someone's running experience could be from mine.

Once again. I hope this helped. Good luck to all you beginners out there. Just stick with it. Give it time. Don't run once and call it quits. If I can do it,.. then anyone CAN!

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