
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Smiles & Miles :D

First things first. We have now settled everything with our easement problem.. and... we are starting on our house in the morning! IN THE MORNING! I can't believe that I am actually getting to say that! We've waited quite some time... and now that "its time" it seems so surreal. I am sure that it won't actually "kick in" that we are starting until tomorrow afternoon when I see their work for the day! Hank & I are both so excited,.. and can't wait to see some progress!!! Hopefully by this Friday we will have our foundation finished,... that is IF the rain will hold off long enough for the carpenters to get some work in! So I will keep my fingers crossed for a few days. I swear.. I don't think it has rained this much in July since.. I've been born!

Ginny & I ran 9 miles this morning. I don't think the weather has been this nice for an AM run.. all summer long. It was cloudy & the temperature was somewhat nice. The sun stayed hidden until about the last mile of the run.. and of course that made it feel a little humid. Either that.. or I am becoming more acclimated to this summer weather. 

I wont lie though... once we finished running and I got back home.. I showered and then passed out as soon as I got in the bed. Nine miles really isn't that bad while running it,.. but it takes a litte toll on you once you get still. I slept until close to noon... and by slept.. I mean.. I was in a semi-coma. hahaha. My legs felt good all day though. They didnt feel tired or sore.. so this afternoon... Hank, Karly and I went out for a late run. We only put in 3.1 miles... but it felt awesome! Hank & Karly are both new to running, but they both were able to hang in there and finish with a decent time!

So I am finishing up this week with 30 total miles ran. :) I'll defnitely take that.. and I hope to at least get in 20 this coming week! But we will see!

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