
Monday, August 15, 2011

Weighed down

Weight sucks. It just does. Its so easy to put on... but almost impossible to get off. I'm definitely not new to this game.. and when my strategic plans don't show me the results that I hope for.. its like a slap in the face. How can I do everything right.. eat small healthy portions, exercise, get enough sleep, etc.. and the scale go UP?

For the past 3 weeks my weight has went up each week. {no, I'm not pregnant, I promise} Its just frustrating beyond words. I do realize that some of the weight could be a gain in muscle mass... but geez. Its quite discouraging to work your butt off for 7 days... (just knowing in the back of your head that you will have a "loss" that week)... to get on the scales and see the numbers go up.

This past week.. I was finally starting to see the numbers go back down. From Monday to Friday I had lost 1.5 pounds.. which in my mind is great for 4 days. All I had to do was be "good" over the weekend.. and I'd come out of the week with a loss. But no. This one was all my fault. I went to the beach with 6 other girls.. and lost all track of 'counting points' or at least making healthy snack choices... or beverage choices. On the scales this morning.. I was back up the 1.5 lbs that I had lost and a little extra. But like I said.. this one was all on me.

All I can do is.. once again start over for this week & try again. I'm starting to believe that I'll never get to my actual goal of 128, and thats okay. Whats in a number, anyways? No one knows what I weigh from week to week, but me. As long as I keep doing what I'm doing... as far as eating & exercising goes.. then I'll be in great shape. Slow & steady wins the race, right???

I included a few pictures from the beach trip! I had a great time & made some sweet new friends. :)

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