
Friday, August 26, 2011

it's friday, i'm NOT in love.

Oh Friday. 
Thank God its Friday, right?

I love the Cure's song "It's Friday, I'm in love." Every SINGLE time that it comes on the radio.. I overexert my radio speakers with the famous song that seems so appropriate on Fridays.... especially at 5 o'clock. Today.. my beloved Friday.. I'm not in such a cheery mood.

I'm not sure where exactly this grouchiness & malicious mood arose from. But at this moment.. it seems unceasing. The saying "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" only slightly begins to scratch the surface of my displeased attitude... and I believe its only getting worse by the hour. (more than 3 hours left until quitting time)

My alarm did make its annoying announcement that it was time for me to get up.. around 5:30. I of course, immediately hit snooze.. and was grumbling about having to get up before my head laid back down on the pillow. I seriously thought about canceling my morning run.. but knew if I didn't get up... I would wish that I would have. Maybe I should have went back to sleep.. maybe then.. I would have "gotten up on the right side of the bed." [even though that is the side I get up on anyways,.. since I sleep on the right]

Not many days at work.. do I honestly contemplate getting my purse and walking out the door with only the wave of my hand goodbye being the only notification given to my fellow coworkers. But today is one. There are just some days when nothing goes as planned.. or at least nothing goes right.. and I'm stuck in one of those days. Its only 1:56pm and it should easily be at least 9pm. I also cried twice today before 11:45am... who could be in love with such a Friday? Honestly the first cry was legit... all because I was extremely mad... and I have been damned with the effect of crying when I get exceedingly irate. Which I do realize, completely takes away from my fury.

The second cry.. was almost only provoked because I had already cried once. The tears just came too easy. What made it even better.. was this second blubber took place in the McDonald's drive thru. Yay ME! Thank God for sunglasses.. because I'm almost sure the sweet lady who took my money would've felt inclined to ask me if I was okay.. {which you guessed it.. would only make me cry more} if she had seen my red, teary eyes behind those shades.


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