
Friday, May 6, 2011

Mi Madre

Well I just sat down and wrote a nice long blog about friends and friendships. Almost to the end... and I somehow delete the WHOLE thing. UGH. I can't sit here and type that same blog again, I just can't. I will have to try it again some other day. (and i thought it was quite interesting too!) BOOOO!

Anyways. Moving on.

Life is funny. I'm not going to try to speak for everyone here. So I'm going to talk about this in the first person,.. (i hope thats ok with you.) :) I know growing up.... my mother would always say "you will understand when you are older." This being one of the most popular phrases from her mouth, other than "No, Kayla." And when she would tell me this favorite phrase of hers... I would either roll my eyes or think yeah whatever. 

Now that I am older.. I see exactly what she was talking about. Its funny how throughout the years your opinions of things and people DO change,.. even though you thought they never would. My mom's father, or pawpaw as I called him, lived with us the last few years before he died. At this time I was a teenager.. in 10th grade.. and thought that my time and thoughts were more important than they actually were. My mother always said... I should spend more time with him and that if I didn't I would wish I had when I was older and he was no longer around... which of course I didn't listen... and its something that I regret dearly.

Now I didn't mean for this to be a sad post. That's just one example where she was very much right.. and I didn't listen to her. It wasn't always about such major things either.. that I wouldn't listen to her about.. whether it was a shirt too tight, me eating food that was bad for me, people I shouldn't hang out with or places I shouldn't go.. now I see exactly what she was saying and why she thought and felt that way.

My only hope is that if I ever do have a child.. that when I tell them these things.. that they will listen to me and believe that what I am saying is true. She definitely knew what she was saying... when she said that "I would one day see where she was coming from."

Thank goodness for mothers. There for us when we need them... or even when we don't THINK we need them. They are a true blessing.. (I know mine sure is) and a gift from God. We should all tell our mothers just how much we love and appreciate them for all that they do... not just on Mother's Day... but every day.

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