
Friday, April 22, 2011

Mums the word.

We've all heard it before. "Motherhood just kicks in and you will know when its time." For those of you who went through this feeling and then made the conscious decision to start "trying," you know exactly what I am talking about here.

I'm sure as everyone reads this, they are thinking that I am about to say that I have experienced baby enlightenment and that I'm ready to expand our little family. If those are your thoughts, then I am sad to say that you are wrong. hahhaha.

I would say (just off the top of my head) that about 80% of my friends have at least one child. Several are working on their second and some even their third. I greatly admire these women, let me tell you. I realize that being a mother, and all of the duties that come along with that title, would be one of the hardest jobs to have.. and its definitely one that never ends. 

Being around my friends who are mothers.. does to some degree make me want a child of my own. I will definitely admit that. Hank (29) and I (26) have been married for 5 years now. "When are yall having babies??" is definitely a question that we BOTH get asked a lot. We both agree that we want kids, but that "feeling"... that "need to procreate" just hasn't kicked in yet. Not saying that I am doomed if it doesn't happen to me in the next year or so. It's just always something that has intrigued me. Several of my friends have felt that "need" that "want" to have children. I'm just wondering what this mystery magic is all about and will I know that is what it is *if and when* it happens to me!!

As for now, I will enjoy my time playing with all of my friend's babies and gladly handing them back over when I am done! :)

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