
Monday, April 25, 2011

All work & no play.

Work, work, work. It seems like that's all I ever do anymore. I realize that.. yes I am a grown up and grown ups work. But geez,.. I think I need a break. And by break, I mean,... a month off.

I know where all of this is coming from. I get this way every single year when it starts warming up. SPRING FEVER! The days are too pretty to be cooped up in a hospital basement.. only seeing the light of day for a measly hour.. then being shoved back inside for the rest of the day. Yes there is still daylight when I get off work at the ripe old hour of 5 but the sun just isn't quite the same, or the day as nice. :(

I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. And before this "feeling" goes away its bound to get worse. :( Until then.. I'm going to try my hardest to just get through the day... and see about planning a small road trip to free me from the J.O.B.
I can't promise there wont be a fake *coougghhhhh* or *sneeze* in the mix to get me out of one or two days of slavery.. but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. <3
In the words of Lenny Kravitz, "I gotta go, I gotta getta away, think I gotta go, I wanna fly away."

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