
Friday, November 30, 2012

Finally Friday!

Yes its Friday! And I don't think I could be happier. This week has been a long one, which included me being sick for most of it, and I am just done. Done.

Hank has been working out of town every week, since ohhhhh, MARCH, and last night was his last night of being out of town for a while. Well he may still work out of town, but should be able to drive home every night. Which will be wonderful! I really don't think I will know how to act. Since March, he may have been home 2 or 3 weeks (a week here & there), so I am very glad that things will be getting back to normal.  I know he will be glad to be home too and not living out of a suitcase.

Hank's cousin, Whitney and my dear friend, Erica had their baby girl this past Wednesday. Because of Hank being out of town, and me being sick, neither of us have gotten to visit and meet the new addition, Brenley. So this weekend we will definitely be going to see her and finally get to hold her! We've only seen pictures so far and I can't wait to see that little girl!

Another plus for today, other than it being Friday, is that I get to eat lunch with my friend Adriane! I really don't get to see her a whole lot so anytime I get to spend with her, is very much cherished! Only 2 more hours til lunch, ha!

So if only this good mood can continue through 5 o'clock without any crazy pregnancy hormones interfering, then I will be one happy girl! 

Happy Friday, y'all!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A whole new future.

As many of you already know, if you are my Facebook friend, coworker, family, or friend, that Hank and I are expecting. One question that Ive been asked the most is, "was it planned?" And the answer to that is oh yes, very much so. (insert smile)

Hank and I have been together for a little over 10 years and in March of 2013, we will be married for 7 years. Time flies people. Over the years, Hank and I have been very back and forth about having children. "No, yes, maybe, definitely not, one day, never, we'll see?" And it's not that we didnt like kids, we just weren't for sure if it was for us, if we could afford kids, if we would be good parents, and so on!

We built a house last year and were finally able to move into it in January of this year. That's when the baby talk really started. Hank had just turned 30, and I was about to turn 27. It was decided between us that if we were going to have kids (we would probably want more than one) that this year was a great year to start on our little family. We are both getting older and if possible, I wanted to be done with having kids by the time I was 31 or 32. Just a little goal for myself, if it doesn't work out that way, then no big deal!

Its funny how just a year or so ago, I wrote a blog about this mysterious "baby fever" that I had heard so many of my friends talk about. I just couldn't fathom this longing, and sense of need to desperately need and want to have a child. But life sure has a funny way about things. I too, got to find out what this so called baby fever is. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but for me most things in my life somehow brought me around to thinking about a baby. Everyone I saw in town either had a newborn or were pregnant... More people started asking us when we were going to have a baby, and the list goes on and on. This "baby fever" feeds on itself and grows and grows with each day.

On October 1st, Hank and I found out that we were pregnant, and there are no words to describe the thoughts and feelings that I had. I am now 12 weeks. Just barely into my pregnancy, and so far I have been very blessed. No morning sickness at all, just small waves of nausea. Yesterday, we got to hear the heartbeat and it was nothing short of amazing to hear those little thuds! I'm starting to show just a little, but I haven't figured out if it's a baby pooch or just a hamburger pooch. But all of my normal clothes still fit, so that's a plus! 

We are very aware that in June our lives will be forever changed, and we are so excited. So far these 12 weeks have flown by and with each week passing, it makes me more eager to find out if we are having a he or a she. I'm sure once we find out our baby's gender, we will be eager for June to get here to meet our sweet baby. Whoever they may be! 

A little update on Kandi & Matt (my sister & her husband), they are having a boy! I was completely wrong on my guess that they would have a girl! But we won't REALLY know for sure until it is born, haha. They plan on naming him Hudson and they are still working on a middle name for him!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's the little things

I'm an avid blog reader (even though I haven't been so consistent with mine) and I've seen a few people post blogs about their favorite moments of the days that pass us by. I felt like this was a perfect blog choice for me, as I have a ton of favorite moments every single day. A lot of them, yes, do contain my husband & dog... But hey,.. They are my roommates! Enjoy!

  • walking outside & noticing the trees are half green and half orange. Time for fall!
  • The smell outside reminds me of the fair,.. In which Ive always been really excited about since I was a little girl.
  • When Hank calls me in the mornings to remind me to grab a jacket or an umbrella because he wants me to be weather prepared. 
  • How Cash is super excited to see me when I walk in the door, even if I've only been gone 2 minutes.
  • When Hank randomly texts me in the middle of the day "I love you" 
  • The really excited face my little sister Karly gets when I show up unexpected at mama's house
  • How excited Karly gets about dancing & performing, and the amount of pride I have in her.
  • The certain laugh Hank makes when he gets really tickled. Even Karly likes this one. It's quite funny. 
  • Going "antiquing" with Hank. He always goes through so slow, and looks at everything.
  • Cash liking to snuggle with me. (he is a mama's dog for sure) 
  • Going to the movies with Hank and us sharing popcorn & a coke.
  • My sister asking me what I want for Christmas, even though she knows I won't have anything to tell her. Just like every year.
  • Running with Ginny & getting caught up on what's going on. 
  • Forgetting a key ingredient while making a very time consuming dinner, and having to eat something simple instead. It's not funny at the time, but later on it is. 
  • When all of the laundry is clean and my laundry room looks amazing. 
  • Having a 3 hour text conversation with a sweet friend, while at work. 
  • Placing at a 5k race, when I really didn't think I did that good.
  • Hank choosing something to watch on tv that I just know I will hate, and then really enjoy watching. The boy loves his documentaries.
  • Seeing my friend, Nuriya, who was an exchange student from Kyrgyzstan. She just moved here after being home for 10 years. It constantly reminds me that good things do happen. 
  • The moment Hank pulls into our driveway, and I get a little giddy.
  • When I know answers on Jeopardy, and someone is there to witness it.
  • The way my mom calls out answers on wheel of fortune, way before anyone else can solve the puzzle. 
  • Helping my mom work on puzzles. And actually being of help.
  • Finding a great show to watch on Hulu, and then watching episode after episode. (ahem, The New Girl)

I actually could probably keep on listing things. This is just a short list of my favorite moments in life. Little things that put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. I know that as life goes on, I will gain new favorite moments and hopefully I will be able to share those on here as well. 

Aunt Kayla

Yep. I realize it's only been about 18 years since I've posted a blog on here,.. But there's no time like the present! 

From the title, I'm sure you have guessed that I am going to be an aunt! My older sister, Kandi (29) and her husband Matt (30), are expecting their first child at the end of March. My parents are extremely excited because this will be their first grandchild. 

We've all been guessing what we think the sex of their baby will be... And so far the girl votes are outweighing the votes for boy. Only time will tell though. They won't be finding out the true sex of the baby til the end of next month. In which seems like a complete eternity. So until then, we will continue to guess & wait. 

They did try out the "ring gender prediction test" in which you dangle your wedding band over the pregnant belly with a piece of thread. The results were of course "girl." Which somewhat confirms my faith in the validity of the test! Can you tell which way I'm voting? Haha.

Once the sex is finally revealed at their gender reveal party, the amount of shopping that will commence is unfathomable. My mother has already began buying items for this child, so the department stores better watch out once we know if it's a he or a she! Or once we confirm that it's a SHE! 

March cannot get here quick enough. I'm ready to meet this little mystery baby! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

13.1 - Here we go, again.

In October of last year.. I decided to sign up for a marathon this coming March in New Orleans. {New Orleans Rock & Roll Marathon and Half Marathon} My plan was to follow a training plan each week, that would have me completely ready by March 4th. The problem with training plans is that they don't work if you don't follow them. ha! I could come up with probably about 10 excuses as to why I am not ready to run 26.2 miles in just 3 short weeks. But I will have to say that although my excuses are still excuses, they are good ones. Building a house has taken up a lot of my time... along with working full time, being sick for a few weeks, and also the holidays. I just let time slip away from me. But to be honest, I knew I wasn't going to be ready.... ohhh... about the beginning of December. Thats okay though. 

I am still going to do the race, just the half marathon though. Once I finally made my self realize... hey... just go ahead and give up on the marathon for right now.. it was like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on the marathon, all together, I am just putting it on the back burner. I'm going to try for doing my first full marathon this fall. That will give me PLENTY of time to be ready, and to get in the training miles that need to be put in. I feel like I could PROBABLY go ahead and do the 26.2, but it would take me weeks and weeks to recover from it, and that doesn't seem enjoyable at all. 

I've procrastinated long enough.. so I decided to start looking for a hotel room in New Orleans, which turned out to be an epic fail. Even though the event website still had 6 or 7 hotels listed as having availability, there were none. So... so much for being able to walk from my hotel to the start line. Instead I will be staying out near the airport (12 miles away). I'm just glad to have found a safe area to stay in, since all of the nicer downtown hotels were booked.

Now that the hotel is booked,.. it seems more official. I now have more money invested into the race.. and come rain or shine.. I will be there. I've spent most of the morning reading through rules, regulations, swag information, etc.. and I must say that I am getting very excited about it. 

Above is the elevation chart,... which to me looks awesome compared to this...
Which is the MS Blues Half Marathon that I ran in January!!!

With that being said. I'm really hoping to have a much better finish time than I did in Jackson last month. If I could just shave off 10 minutes, I would be completely thrilled. I have just 19 more days to get in some miles to get my legs ready for another half. I've ran some in the last few weeks, but not nearly the miles that I should have been getting in. Wish me luck!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

The dreaded - swimsuit shopping

So... many of you may already know (if we are friends on facebook, anyway) that in 4 short months I will be going on a cruise with my two sweet sisters, and the one who gave us all three life, our mother. I've never been on a cruise before, and I must say that I am quite excited. There have been several different occasions that Hank & I have discussed going on a cruise, but it hasn't made it much farther than that. Googling cruise lines... carnival to be specific... and peaking around their website will only get you hounded by several phone calls & emails that are completely unwarranted.

ANYWAYS. June 16th through the 20th... I will be out and about cruising Mexico, if you need me.

Its starting to be the time of year where... almost EVERY store is putting their swimsuits out. Which of course makes me super eager to go ahead and buy the first cute one that I see. But I'm going to try to hold off. I did a little shopping on victoria's secret website today.. and after many ooohhsss and ahhhhs, I finally closed the page. Yes, there were tons of swimsuits that I would looooovvveeee to own but then the realization sets in that I won't look near as svelte, fabulous, hot, tan, amazing, as they do. Now I'm not saying.. that I'm not going to wear a swimsuit if I can't look like Gisele Bundchen, I will definitely be wearing a swimsuit.. or 5 on the cruise.. but some days you just can't help but think... why even bother. hahaha.

My body has changed a lot in the last 4 years.. all for the better thank goodness... but my abs are no where near as flat as any of our victoria's secret models. I do believe there is a ridiculously flat stomach under here somewhere... I just have to do about 8,573,418 gazillion more crunches. I wonder if 4 months is enough time to do that many? I guess I should at least try. Hopefully come June 16th.. I will wear my bikini ONTO the boat... and go ahead and get the party started!

That being said. I will post some of the swimsuits from Vicky's that I have my eye on. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

MS Blues Half Marathon, I love thee

What a race!!!!

After finishing the MS Gulf Coast Half Marathon in November... Ginny & I were both a little discouraged. The race was poorly put together and the weather just wasn't agreeable that day. So.. since we didnt have that great of a FIRST half marathon... we decided to go for another!!!!

We signed up for the Blues Half in the beginning of December. We didn't get to run very much in the month of December,.. with the holidays and such... but once the first Saturday in January rolled around, we were ready!!!

We traveled to Jackson late Friday afternoon to give us a chance to look around the Race Expo. (Fancy, shmancy) This half was already looking better than the last! They had several booths set up with shoes, racing belts, etc. We went ahead and picked up our t-shirt, bib number, and our goodie bag... which was complete with a commemorative harmonica and blues cd. Sweeeeeet!

Of course we were early to bed... because we knew 7am was going to come early!!! And it did!!!

Our hotel was within walking distance of the finish line. (bigggg plus- because it seemed like I didn't have time to get nervous.) There were runners EVERYWHERE. Every street we turned on,.. there were people heading that way to warm up/take pictures/etc before the start. Ginny and I warmed up and stretched, and snuck in a few pictures while we waited!

Before we knew it, it was time. We penguin-stepped our way into the main crowd and waited for our turn. Luckily this race had timing chips, so even though we didn't get to actually start when the clock did, our times were still accurate! Ginny & I stayed together for the first 3 miles,.. and then we were separated.

I can't remember if they had blues bands playing at every single mile marker, but for most of the miles they did. People stood along the roadside throughout the race cheering and waving home made signs for their loved ones in the race. Everyone was so encouraging! Strangers clapped for us as we passed by and yelled words of encouragement.. "looking good," keep going," "almost there." All things that probably most of us in the race needed to hear. The people working the race and those among the roadside were probably my most favorite part of the whole day. As I passed mile after mile, the spectators did not waiver, they were everywhere. There to offer a smiling face or a fist pump to all of these people that they surely did not know.

I felt great throughout the whole race. Who would think they could feel that good while running 13.1 miles. But I did. And I loved every minute of it.

Coming up to the finish line I could barely see the clock timer. It was obviously 2 hrs and something.. but I couldn't read the minutes. I wanted so bad to be in the 2:15 section... but my garmin watch (my awesome Christmas present from the hubby) had already informed me that I was well past making that goal. As I approached closer, I could finally make out the numbers. 2:31 and counting. By my account and Hank's photography, it looked like I crossed the finish line around the 2:31:38 mark. I did find out later though, that my actual time was 2:30:13, which is a little over a minute faster than the Gulf Coast Half. I'll take it though, it wasn't bad for this course being quite hilly versus the other course being tremendously flat.

All in all, it was a great day. And I've found a new race that I'll try my best to do year after year! For all you runners out there.. its definitely worth the $35 (i think that's all that I paid.) Just be prepared for a BIG turn out. The race completely sold out with over 2,500 runners from 45 states and 10 countries. Yep. Among those countries, was Kenya. I don't know about all of the other runners, but I felt kinda honored to be running a race with a Kenyan. :)

look who finished! :)
Christie & me!

Me & Clint!!! (he finished in under 2 hours!)