
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

It's the little things

I'm an avid blog reader (even though I haven't been so consistent with mine) and I've seen a few people post blogs about their favorite moments of the days that pass us by. I felt like this was a perfect blog choice for me, as I have a ton of favorite moments every single day. A lot of them, yes, do contain my husband & dog... But hey,.. They are my roommates! Enjoy!

  • walking outside & noticing the trees are half green and half orange. Time for fall!
  • The smell outside reminds me of the fair,.. In which Ive always been really excited about since I was a little girl.
  • When Hank calls me in the mornings to remind me to grab a jacket or an umbrella because he wants me to be weather prepared. 
  • How Cash is super excited to see me when I walk in the door, even if I've only been gone 2 minutes.
  • When Hank randomly texts me in the middle of the day "I love you" 
  • The really excited face my little sister Karly gets when I show up unexpected at mama's house
  • How excited Karly gets about dancing & performing, and the amount of pride I have in her.
  • The certain laugh Hank makes when he gets really tickled. Even Karly likes this one. It's quite funny. 
  • Going "antiquing" with Hank. He always goes through so slow, and looks at everything.
  • Cash liking to snuggle with me. (he is a mama's dog for sure) 
  • Going to the movies with Hank and us sharing popcorn & a coke.
  • My sister asking me what I want for Christmas, even though she knows I won't have anything to tell her. Just like every year.
  • Running with Ginny & getting caught up on what's going on. 
  • Forgetting a key ingredient while making a very time consuming dinner, and having to eat something simple instead. It's not funny at the time, but later on it is. 
  • When all of the laundry is clean and my laundry room looks amazing. 
  • Having a 3 hour text conversation with a sweet friend, while at work. 
  • Placing at a 5k race, when I really didn't think I did that good.
  • Hank choosing something to watch on tv that I just know I will hate, and then really enjoy watching. The boy loves his documentaries.
  • Seeing my friend, Nuriya, who was an exchange student from Kyrgyzstan. She just moved here after being home for 10 years. It constantly reminds me that good things do happen. 
  • The moment Hank pulls into our driveway, and I get a little giddy.
  • When I know answers on Jeopardy, and someone is there to witness it.
  • The way my mom calls out answers on wheel of fortune, way before anyone else can solve the puzzle. 
  • Helping my mom work on puzzles. And actually being of help.
  • Finding a great show to watch on Hulu, and then watching episode after episode. (ahem, The New Girl)

I actually could probably keep on listing things. This is just a short list of my favorite moments in life. Little things that put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. I know that as life goes on, I will gain new favorite moments and hopefully I will be able to share those on here as well. 

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