
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I'm hot, sticky, sweet

Everyone knows... well at least the conscious ones.. know that it is August. And one thing comes to my mind when I think of August.. and that is heat. Those of you who run outside, work outside, or even GO outside, probably think the same way that I do. July is hot, but August is hotter. It never fails. Ginny & I have been running outside for a while. We started doing it some last September-ish when we signed up for our first 5k. We knew we needed some outside running experience.. and started working on just that. Since then.. we have kept running outside periodically... but not until about the end of May did we start running religiously outside in the mornings. I am in love. LOVE I tell you. It is awesome. There is nothing like going on a 5 or 6 mile run.. to return back to my car pouring with sweat. My body & legs can already tell me that I've "worked out" but the sweat says so much more. Not only did I run... but I ran in 88 and 90 degree weather.. with "feeling temp" being around 105. Ridiculous, I know. But I love it. Then I go home, shower and start my day. And to be quite honest.. the days that I run are usually the best.

Today was the first day that I have ran since last Thursday. We went on a girl's beach trip Fri-Sun... then Monday & Tuesday.. I whallered (sp?) in the bed until I had to get up... only in time to make it to work, and nothing else. Anyways.. back to today. So my legs hadn't really done much in almost a week... previously when I went several days without running.. my poor legs paid for it.. with cramps & aches.. during and after the run. Today was completely different! {smile} Once my legs started going.. it was ahhh-mazing... they didn't stop til I had 5 miles under my feet. The best runs are.. when you finish.. and you really want to do more... and that's definitely how I was feeling this morning. 

It still amazes me how much I enjoy running. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that I would run or want to run as much as I do. Sometimes I will "clock" a certain mileage just to see how far it is in a car. Pretty neat. But what is also neat.. is that even though 5 miles is a long way in a car.. and really is a long way for real... sometimes me running that mileage... doesn't seem so far. And I believe that comes with territory... running outside is quite liberating. It gives you time to think.. and time to thoroughly enjoy nature. 

My first half marathon is this November. And I absolutely can not wait. I really wish it was in the next week or so. But.. they didn't ask me when they were setting the date. haha. I'm really considering doing a full marathon this coming March. I can't imagine how great a feeling it would be to cross that finish line! Ohhh to run 26.2 miles... :)

"Trample the weak, hurdle the dead" -- Saying on a marathon shirt. Pretty funny! :)

1 comment:

  1. i really like this blog!! i am a baby when it comes to running and looking forward to my first 5k but my dream is the same as yours.. to run a full marathon one day!! my big dream is to do a new york or boston marathon.. maybe both!! :) good luck and thanks for the inspiration!
