
Friday, August 5, 2011

brain pain

I chose red font for this blog, because it felt most appropriate.

For those of you whom have never experienced a migraine, consider yourself lucky. Some of us are less fortunate than others in that area,.. and experience many head explosion close-calls. Thats really about the only way to describe most of them.. its the closest I've ever come to my head actually exploding. {knock on wood}. 

About 5 years ago.. it seemed like I would have 3-5 migraines each week. And I'm not exaggerating. And when I say migraine.. I don't mean "ohhh my head hurts a little, but I can still make it." I mean that as in: "ohh my gosh, my head is going to explode {said through tears} and not being able to lift my head off of the pillow because of the pain." They are awful, terrible, no-good, aching, horrible, painful and just debilitating all around. Finally after just suffering over & over again... a few of my work friends talked me into making an appointment with a neurologist. Let me just say that it was... THE BEST THING THAT I'VE EVER DONE! I don't know what took me so long to finally go... I don't really like going to the doctor.. but hey.. who does? My doctor immediately gave me a migraine prevention medicine to take daily.. which I liked to call Batman. And then a side-kick medicine,... (you guessed it... "Robin.") to take whenever I started to get a migraine. 

I took these medicines for almost 3 years.. and for those 3 years, Batman & Robin were my best friends. BEST friends. They made an amazing difference in my headaches.. and reduced them dramatically. After 3 years, my doctor thought that I was ready to "ween" off. Of course I was scared.. and didn't want to. But I think I feared the unknown. When I stopped taking them would everything go back to the way it was? Would I have migraines frequently again? If I did have them, would they be worse than ever? I just didn't know what was going to happen. Luckily.. I had nothing to worry about. I was pretty pumped when I realized the money that I would save by not taking them anymore. $13 pills can add up quickly.

I've been off my prescribed migraine medicine for 2 years now. And I am doing much better. I still get migraines/headaches from time to time. But nothing like it was before. Instead of having 15 a month, I may only have 3... which I am grateful for,.. because I've seen how much worse it can be. Even though I only have a few a month.. they still get me down. I don't usually get quite as bad as crying.. but sometimes come quite close.

The whole reason for this blog is because yesterday around noon... my head began to hurt. I thought I took medicine in time to kinda knock it out.. but I was wrong. Almost 24 hours later.. I still have a migraine, and its much worse than yesterday. I've gobbled up 12 advil's since yesterday.. and it almost seems like they are adding fuel to the fire. Sleep is about the only true "reliever" for right now and I couldn't be any less tired. I've tried all morning to go back to sleep & my eyes refuse to stay shut for longer then 2 minutes at a time. I think my brain is trying to get out... I'm not sure. hahhaa. 

So for any of you who have or had migraines before. You know what I'm talking about. Know that you are NOT alone.. and there are others out there who know how you feel. A lot of people who have never had migraines before... can't and don't understand what they are like. And that's okay. I know we all have different problems... but when you have a migraine,.. the only problem you can think about is your own pressing matter. {no pun intended, ha} Maybe I should invest in a few horse tranquilizers and just put myself down for a little while whenever I feel one coming on. In fact,... I may need to make a trip to the feed store. :)

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