
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Skinny on Weight

What is in a number?? Well this could be talking about a broad spectrum of things... but in this instance.. number meaning weight. Why do we put so much emphasis on that number? Most of the time the only ones who know it are the people who weigh us at the doctor's office and ourselves.

But for some reason that triple digit (not counting children or seriously malnourished adults) bother us. I can say "us" and speak for a majority of people. I read several people's weight loss blogs (they are very inspiring and are definitely worth a looksey) and numerous weight watcher lifetime members still are concerned with their weight. Whether it is just keeping an eye on it (weight watchers requires lifetime members to weigh once a month to prevent unconscious weight gain), people wanting to lose more to get to their goal, or there are those who are at a healthy weight and wish for the scale to go down just a few pounds more.

After losing 58 pounds, I am at a healthy weight. I have a BMI of 23% (which is good for a woman), which also means that I am within my normal weight range for my height (120-150) and I can wear a size 4. Well I might as well include my weight here also.. since I'm telling everything else. I now weigh 136. YIKES. That is hard to put out there. But its there now... for everyone to see. And why that number bothers me.. I do not know. You would think after all of this time.. I could say (or type) that number with pride. Yes I am proud of my accomplishment, but that number still seems high to me in my head when I say it out loud. My mother asked me two days ago how much I weighed now.. and even though its my mother and I know I am no where near being over weight, I was still hesitant to tell her. 

Now I am not saying that I want to weigh 105. Because that would be ridiculous. Some people can weigh 105 and look fine. But I do believe I would look sick.. or resemeble something of an ethiopian chicken. (ha!) But 128 wouldn't be so bad. And to be quite honest,.. it does sound better. 

I believe a lot of the issue is just a mind game. But for SO many people to also feel the same way makes me believe that it is something more than that. At the end of this blog I am going to attempt to post a link to another weight watcher's blog who is a male and also feels the same way that I do. If you have time.. read it.

I've also often wondered if one reason for me wanting to lose a LITTLE bit more... (8 pounds isn't that much in the grand scheme of things) is because of fear of gaining some back. I believe this does play at least a small role in me being unsatisfied with my current weight.

Another theory of mine.. and this is the one that I put my most faith in.. is that I had a lot of fun on my weight loss journey. Being able to go in there week after week and see the numbers going down.. seeing my hard work pay off, and my body change over time.. I wouldn't use the word addicting... but more like liberating. I showed myself that I COULD change and I was doing just that. Maybe I miss all of those days?

As you get smaller it becomes harder and harder to get the scale to budge,.. and maybe I see these last 8 lbs as a challenge for me to overcome.. just as I did the very first day that I attended weight watchers.
Who knows the real reason I feel this way. But at least I know that I am not alone. 

All that aside. I can only hope that my weight loss journey in turn.. helps someone else. If I can do it.. ANYONE can. You have to have the will and the want to do it for yourself! And you can make it happen!

 Check out David Kirchoff's blog the CEO of Weight Watchers International:

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