
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TUESDAY trumpery

1. We had to go ahead and pick out our faucets for our bath tubs so that the plumber would know what to prep for. We had previously decided to go with all oil rubbed bronze.. fixtures, faucets, door knobs, etc. But little did we know how big of a pain it would be to find exactly what we wanted in a shower head in oil rubbed bronze. I mean.. I thought O.R.B. was the popular thing these days? Maybe I'm wrong.. because Home Depot & Lowe's choices for shower heads say differently. The ratio of nickel to bronze is about 98 to 2. No really. Bronze shower heads are apparently a rarity.. maybe thats why they cost so much. Not because they ARE in fact oil rubbed bronze.. but because they are in short supply. WHO KNOWS! So after much searching, repeated trips to the same stores, and a few hundred dollars later... we now have the shower head we wanted... and in the correct finish. :)

2. If you haven't heard the new song "Hell on Heels" by the Pistol Annies. Then you definitely need to check it out. This band is made up of 3 women country singers... and one of those singers is Miranda Lambert.. whom I absolutely love. So definitely check it out and let me know what ya think!

3. I found this picture today on Amber's facebook of us, Chris, and their new son Dylan at our house site. I had completely forgotten that she had taken this picture. How funny though. Little Dylan is checking things out with daddy. Whats also funny is I remember that day feeling a little on the fat side.. but now that I see this picture.. I think I looked rather slim. Ironic how we see/feel about ourselves versus how we actually look.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

living in the fast lane

Boy does time fly.

It's funny how when you are 10 you can't wait to be 13 {ohhhh I can't wait to be a teenager} When you are 13, you can't wait to be 16 {ohhh, if only I could drive}... and so on.  But once you hit 21... its like okay.. this is good... no more wishing away the years. It's hard to believe I am already 26. Yep. 26. Turning 24 didn't bother me.. nor did 25.. being a "quarter century old" was actually kinda cool. Twenty six,.. not so much fun. Its over the 25 hill.. and barreling fast towards 30.

 Where has all of this time gone? Just yesterday (seems like) I was going to Jones and getting ready to apply to x-ray school. Working at Ellisville State School & the movies in Laurel at the same time.. and just wishing to be all done with school and out in the real world. Don't get me wrong. I love the real world. It has been good to me. These past few years have just came & gone.

I graduated high school... 8 years ago. - WOW!!! Its quite hard to believe.
    • Hank and I have been together for 9 years. - doesn't seem like that long ago.. that he was picking me up for our first date.
    • Married for 5 1/2 years - best day of my life.. seems like it was only yesterday
    • I graduated x-ray school 5 years ago! - okay.... school isn't something I miss.. just doesn't seem like I've been FULL time for that long!
    • Worked for SCRMC for 5 years!
    • My sweet puppy Cash will be 4 years old this Nov.. and it seems like it was only last year that he joined our little family.
    •  My little sister Karly will be 15 in October. FIFTEEN! She will be driving before we know it.. quite awkward. It's hard to believe she will be that old. :(
    • We sold our house in February... which was 6 months ago. It was a big life change for us.. and it really does seem like it was only last week we were moving all of our belongings out of our first home.
    • April.. 3 years ago I became a lifetime member at weight watchers. And have kept my weight off since. It's hard to believe that for the past 3 years I have lived a healthy lifestyle.. compared to my habits prior to that.
    I could write about this forever. But it really is amazing how time flies. We have less than 4 months until Christmas... and not too long ago we were "ringing in" the new year. I realize every day is a blessing.. and I am thankful for every single one of them. But I wouldn't mind it a bit.. if things did slow down just a little. Hank will be 30 this December. Yep, 30. Hard to believe. In the meantime.. I will continue to enjoy each and everyday with my husband, family and friends. And be thankful for each of those days given to me. Life is fast... but good.

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    it's friday, i'm NOT in love.

    Oh Friday. 
    Thank God its Friday, right?

    I love the Cure's song "It's Friday, I'm in love." Every SINGLE time that it comes on the radio.. I overexert my radio speakers with the famous song that seems so appropriate on Fridays.... especially at 5 o'clock. Today.. my beloved Friday.. I'm not in such a cheery mood.

    I'm not sure where exactly this grouchiness & malicious mood arose from. But at this moment.. it seems unceasing. The saying "woke up on the wrong side of the bed" only slightly begins to scratch the surface of my displeased attitude... and I believe its only getting worse by the hour. (more than 3 hours left until quitting time)

    My alarm did make its annoying announcement that it was time for me to get up.. around 5:30. I of course, immediately hit snooze.. and was grumbling about having to get up before my head laid back down on the pillow. I seriously thought about canceling my morning run.. but knew if I didn't get up... I would wish that I would have. Maybe I should have went back to sleep.. maybe then.. I would have "gotten up on the right side of the bed." [even though that is the side I get up on anyways,.. since I sleep on the right]

    Not many days at work.. do I honestly contemplate getting my purse and walking out the door with only the wave of my hand goodbye being the only notification given to my fellow coworkers. But today is one. There are just some days when nothing goes as planned.. or at least nothing goes right.. and I'm stuck in one of those days. Its only 1:56pm and it should easily be at least 9pm. I also cried twice today before 11:45am... who could be in love with such a Friday? Honestly the first cry was legit... all because I was extremely mad... and I have been damned with the effect of crying when I get exceedingly irate. Which I do realize, completely takes away from my fury.

    The second cry.. was almost only provoked because I had already cried once. The tears just came too easy. What made it even better.. was this second blubber took place in the McDonald's drive thru. Yay ME! Thank God for sunglasses.. because I'm almost sure the sweet lady who took my money would've felt inclined to ask me if I was okay.. {which you guessed it.. would only make me cry more} if she had seen my red, teary eyes behind those shades.


    Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Callin' like a collector, sorry I cannot answer

    I got a new phone! Hallelujah! This has been a long time coming, that is for sure. I've had the Blackberry Curve 2 for about a year and a half now. I really liked the phone,.. but it was starting to give out on me. I'm not exaggerating when I say this... but it was NOTHING for my battery to die 2 or 3 times at work. I would charge my phone while I was at work... and most days would also have to charge it in the car on the way home. Thats just a little ridiculous, if I might say so myself. Hank has been begging me for the last month or so to just give in and get a new one. I really wanted to wait until my 2 year contract with Cellular South was up (march), but my ole ghettoberry just couldn't hang in there that long.

    So I've joined the new wave of droid phones. {applause, applause} Now I have only been the owner of this phone for ohhhhh about 2 hours now.. but so far it is awesome. Touch screen is definitely the way to go. And I like how almost 100% of the phone is personalizable (if thats such a word.) It will only take me about 3 months to get everything figured out, but I have a feeling it will be totally worth it.

    But seriously.. I'm not hating on blackberrys. It was just time for me to move on. RIP Ghettoberry.

    Wednesday, August 17, 2011

    I'm hot, sticky, sweet

    Everyone knows... well at least the conscious ones.. know that it is August. And one thing comes to my mind when I think of August.. and that is heat. Those of you who run outside, work outside, or even GO outside, probably think the same way that I do. July is hot, but August is hotter. It never fails. Ginny & I have been running outside for a while. We started doing it some last September-ish when we signed up for our first 5k. We knew we needed some outside running experience.. and started working on just that. Since then.. we have kept running outside periodically... but not until about the end of May did we start running religiously outside in the mornings. I am in love. LOVE I tell you. It is awesome. There is nothing like going on a 5 or 6 mile run.. to return back to my car pouring with sweat. My body & legs can already tell me that I've "worked out" but the sweat says so much more. Not only did I run... but I ran in 88 and 90 degree weather.. with "feeling temp" being around 105. Ridiculous, I know. But I love it. Then I go home, shower and start my day. And to be quite honest.. the days that I run are usually the best.

    Today was the first day that I have ran since last Thursday. We went on a girl's beach trip Fri-Sun... then Monday & Tuesday.. I whallered (sp?) in the bed until I had to get up... only in time to make it to work, and nothing else. Anyways.. back to today. So my legs hadn't really done much in almost a week... previously when I went several days without running.. my poor legs paid for it.. with cramps & aches.. during and after the run. Today was completely different! {smile} Once my legs started going.. it was ahhh-mazing... they didn't stop til I had 5 miles under my feet. The best runs are.. when you finish.. and you really want to do more... and that's definitely how I was feeling this morning. 

    It still amazes me how much I enjoy running. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that I would run or want to run as much as I do. Sometimes I will "clock" a certain mileage just to see how far it is in a car. Pretty neat. But what is also neat.. is that even though 5 miles is a long way in a car.. and really is a long way for real... sometimes me running that mileage... doesn't seem so far. And I believe that comes with territory... running outside is quite liberating. It gives you time to think.. and time to thoroughly enjoy nature. 

    My first half marathon is this November. And I absolutely can not wait. I really wish it was in the next week or so. But.. they didn't ask me when they were setting the date. haha. I'm really considering doing a full marathon this coming March. I can't imagine how great a feeling it would be to cross that finish line! Ohhh to run 26.2 miles... :)

    "Trample the weak, hurdle the dead" -- Saying on a marathon shirt. Pretty funny! :)

    Tuesday, August 16, 2011

    tu, tue, tuesday

    its that time again. ttt. here it goes!

    1. I woke up this morning to a vomit war zone all throughout the living room & foyer. My mini schnauzer apparently wasn't feeling good this morning... and just "let it rip." I realize that he is a dog and can't help it... but it doesn't make it any less aggravating or disgusting. He seems to be feeling much better now though. I just hope I found all of his little "accidents."

    2. My little sister,.. who isn't so little anymore is 14 going on 15 this October. It seems weird for her to be as old as she is now... I was 11 when SHE was born. She is a very talented dancer, because she has been taking dance lessons for about 8 years now. She not only dances for a private company, but this year she is also involved in the newly added South Jones Dance Team. :) So proud of her!!! 

     3. Hank has been working out of town for the last 14 weeks. He is still out of town this week.. but he should be finishing up the job in Baton Rouge either tomorrow or Thursday. Once he finishes.. he should be able to be at home for a while... and I can not wait! Not only just having him home every night.. but I will also have some help taking care of "house stuff." Oh happy day!

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    house business

    Just an overview of pictures. Several people have asked to see the progress,.. so here it is! hopefully I will have more to add soon! :) ENJOY!
    hello house. :)

    from today,.. the back of our house :)

    Weighed down

    Weight sucks. It just does. Its so easy to put on... but almost impossible to get off. I'm definitely not new to this game.. and when my strategic plans don't show me the results that I hope for.. its like a slap in the face. How can I do everything right.. eat small healthy portions, exercise, get enough sleep, etc.. and the scale go UP?

    For the past 3 weeks my weight has went up each week. {no, I'm not pregnant, I promise} Its just frustrating beyond words. I do realize that some of the weight could be a gain in muscle mass... but geez. Its quite discouraging to work your butt off for 7 days... (just knowing in the back of your head that you will have a "loss" that week)... to get on the scales and see the numbers go up.

    This past week.. I was finally starting to see the numbers go back down. From Monday to Friday I had lost 1.5 pounds.. which in my mind is great for 4 days. All I had to do was be "good" over the weekend.. and I'd come out of the week with a loss. But no. This one was all my fault. I went to the beach with 6 other girls.. and lost all track of 'counting points' or at least making healthy snack choices... or beverage choices. On the scales this morning.. I was back up the 1.5 lbs that I had lost and a little extra. But like I said.. this one was all on me.

    All I can do is.. once again start over for this week & try again. I'm starting to believe that I'll never get to my actual goal of 128, and thats okay. Whats in a number, anyways? No one knows what I weigh from week to week, but me. As long as I keep doing what I'm doing... as far as eating & exercising goes.. then I'll be in great shape. Slow & steady wins the race, right???

    I included a few pictures from the beach trip! I had a great time & made some sweet new friends. :)

    Friday, August 5, 2011

    brain pain

    I chose red font for this blog, because it felt most appropriate.

    For those of you whom have never experienced a migraine, consider yourself lucky. Some of us are less fortunate than others in that area,.. and experience many head explosion close-calls. Thats really about the only way to describe most of them.. its the closest I've ever come to my head actually exploding. {knock on wood}. 

    About 5 years ago.. it seemed like I would have 3-5 migraines each week. And I'm not exaggerating. And when I say migraine.. I don't mean "ohhh my head hurts a little, but I can still make it." I mean that as in: "ohh my gosh, my head is going to explode {said through tears} and not being able to lift my head off of the pillow because of the pain." They are awful, terrible, no-good, aching, horrible, painful and just debilitating all around. Finally after just suffering over & over again... a few of my work friends talked me into making an appointment with a neurologist. Let me just say that it was... THE BEST THING THAT I'VE EVER DONE! I don't know what took me so long to finally go... I don't really like going to the doctor.. but hey.. who does? My doctor immediately gave me a migraine prevention medicine to take daily.. which I liked to call Batman. And then a side-kick medicine,... (you guessed it... "Robin.") to take whenever I started to get a migraine. 

    I took these medicines for almost 3 years.. and for those 3 years, Batman & Robin were my best friends. BEST friends. They made an amazing difference in my headaches.. and reduced them dramatically. After 3 years, my doctor thought that I was ready to "ween" off. Of course I was scared.. and didn't want to. But I think I feared the unknown. When I stopped taking them would everything go back to the way it was? Would I have migraines frequently again? If I did have them, would they be worse than ever? I just didn't know what was going to happen. Luckily.. I had nothing to worry about. I was pretty pumped when I realized the money that I would save by not taking them anymore. $13 pills can add up quickly.

    I've been off my prescribed migraine medicine for 2 years now. And I am doing much better. I still get migraines/headaches from time to time. But nothing like it was before. Instead of having 15 a month, I may only have 3... which I am grateful for,.. because I've seen how much worse it can be. Even though I only have a few a month.. they still get me down. I don't usually get quite as bad as crying.. but sometimes come quite close.

    The whole reason for this blog is because yesterday around noon... my head began to hurt. I thought I took medicine in time to kinda knock it out.. but I was wrong. Almost 24 hours later.. I still have a migraine, and its much worse than yesterday. I've gobbled up 12 advil's since yesterday.. and it almost seems like they are adding fuel to the fire. Sleep is about the only true "reliever" for right now and I couldn't be any less tired. I've tried all morning to go back to sleep & my eyes refuse to stay shut for longer then 2 minutes at a time. I think my brain is trying to get out... I'm not sure. hahhaa. 

    So for any of you who have or had migraines before. You know what I'm talking about. Know that you are NOT alone.. and there are others out there who know how you feel. A lot of people who have never had migraines before... can't and don't understand what they are like. And that's okay. I know we all have different problems... but when you have a migraine,.. the only problem you can think about is your own pressing matter. {no pun intended, ha} Maybe I should invest in a few horse tranquilizers and just put myself down for a little while whenever I feel one coming on. In fact,... I may need to make a trip to the feed store. :)

    Wednesday, August 3, 2011

    beaten by my own blog

    So I am now officially upset with myself. I've always considered myself to be somewhat "computer savvy" but this blog is about to get the best of me. 

    I follow several people's blogs and I am quite envious of their pages. My blog pales in comparison, and it hurts my heart. I want my page to be AMAZING, and I know it can be... I just gotta figure out how. There are so many things that I want to do to my page or add to my page (which I know the things are possible, because others have done them) and I just can't seem to get it to work.  *hhhhhrruummmppphhh*

    I'm not going to give up on my "poor man's blog" just yet though. My husband, whom I have complete and utter confidence in, will help me spruce up my page whenever he returns home this weekend. I just know it! So just bare with me guys... I promise to create a more inviting page with all kinds of goodies & gadgets!  You just wait and see! :)

    On another note. The foundation, or slab, for our house was poured this morning. *sqquuueaaall* Quite Freaking exciting! They will begin framing it up in the morning,.. so hopefully I will have a wall or two this weekend to show off to Hank whenever he comes home. I did make sure to engrave "SHAW" into the concrete that will one day be my garage,.. but I'm almost certain it will be covered up tomorrow when the walls start going up. I really wanted to write "made with love" but that would have taken up too much room. Oohhhh well!

    Pictures coming soon, I promise! :)

    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    fire on the mountain, run boys, run.

    tuesday. triple tangent tuesday, that is.

    1. On my lunch break today, I was listening to b95. I don't usually listen to country stations unless I am in a "country" mood but for some reason it was the station that my radio was last left on. As I am heading back to work... a very redneck woman.. whom announced she was from Sanford, MS... came on the radio station and requested Charlie Daniel's "The Devil went down to Georgia." Ohhhhh yess.... she did. Of course I did laugh a little to myself.. it was just really funny at the time. I wasn't making fun of her. It was just such an appropriate song for her to request! ANYWAYS... yes I did turn up the radio... and yes I do know all the words. Ahhh... good times. Now I don't know why the chicken is in the bread pan, or why their pickin' out dough... but I do know that granny's dog doesn't bite, no child no. :)

    2. I've never found a four leaf clover before. There I said it. Not until... this past Sunday. Actually I don't know if I can actually say that I "found" it.... because Ginny first found a 4 leaf clover in the same spot this past Thursday while we were running.... so Sunday on my run I stopped in the area that she had found it in, and there were 2. Yep, 2 four leaf clovers... just growing there, side by side. Then today, Ginny looked again and there was another one. How random! Like I said I had never found one before... and we found a spot where there was four of them. Very weird.. but I'm still proud. And have felt lucky ever since! :)
    me at my first 5k last October. :)

    3. For the month of July I ran 95.72 miles. (my poor shoes & feet, ha) I couldn't believe it! Thats definitely the most miles I have ever ran in one month.. I feel completely gratified. I hope to increase my total by 10 this month! So we will see how that works out!