
Monday, January 23, 2012

I've fallen off the bandwagon.

We all know.. that it takes several weeks/attempts/times to make something into a habit. And there have been several things in my life that I have made into habits... that were good habits. But it seems like once you break the cycle, stop for even a moment, its so easy to slip back into your previous ways. This applies to a few things in my life currently. I blame most of it on just being extremely busy and having my plate full with non stop to-do lists. It seems like every time I finish something, or take care of something that I was supposed to do, then 2 more things pop up for me to handle. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Alas. 

The first thing that I have let slip to the wayside... is eating right. Now I'm not saying that I eat horribly at every meal. But fruits and veggies which used to consume most of my plate... have become foreign to me. I've succumbed to the "easy meal" or the "quick meal," which 90% of the time isn't healthy in any way.  Because of this... yep, you guessed it. That scale has climbed. Which completely disgusts me. I have worked so hard to become a healthy weight, I hate to see the numbers increase. Now,.. I'm up about 8 lbs more than I would like to be. So starting now.... NOW!!!... I'm going to start back eating healthy... I'll just feel better overall if I do, and I know that I SHOULD!

The second thing that I have let go of... is running and exercising. Yes, I ran a half marathon two weeks ago... but previous to that race, and since that race.. I have not been active much at all. Which this is directly related to the weight gain... and its something else that I am going to start back doing... IN THE MORNING! 4 miles at 6am, no "buts" about it! I love running so much, I just haven't been able to make it a priority here lately, or I've been sick, or busy doing house errands. 

The third things I have let slowly slip away. Is... blogging. It's something that I enjoy doing... and I have several avid readers... (which makes me smile, thank yall so much) and I have had PLENTY of things to blog about... just haven't taken time to sit down and get it all typed out!!! 

So this is my pledge. From here on out... I, Kayla Shaw, promise to eat better, exercise, and blog regularly. I know it'd make me happier to get back into all 3 of these things... and I shall do just that!!!!

Half Marathon Blog update... COMING SOON! :)


And a BIG YESSSSS to this:

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