
Friday, November 25, 2011

Half Marathon: You don't scare me!

ITS here!!! It's finally here!!! Tomorrow morning at 8am, Ginny and I will run our first half marathon... and it couldn't get here fast enough!!!

Back in May we decided to do this... so its been a long wait. We needed the time though. I had never ran more than 6 miles at a time.. and she had never done more than 4. Boy have we come a long way!!! Her longest distance to date is 10 miles, and mine is 13.1. I just had to see what the full 13 was like... and honestly it wasn't that bad. That mileage used to scare me so bad. I just couldn't fathom me actually running that many miles... AT ONE TIME! But Ginny & I took it easy.. and slowly added mileage every week or two.

everybody runnnnn!
Our hard work has paid off... and after months of training we are both ready! Now it wasn't easy... that is for sure. Blood, sweat & tears went into my training. No literally. With the blood & tears happening just a month and a half ago when I rolled my ankle while running, sending me knee & palms down to the asphalt. It happens though. [stupid uneven road] After 6 weeks.. my ankle and foot still bother me if I turn it the wrong way, and when I first get out of bed. But I will be fine. Of course the sweat is a given. We ran 4 days a week during the summer heat.. so the sweat was inevitable.

I always get really nervous before a run. I don't know why. But I do. I guess its just excitement & nerves together. But once we get started, then I am fine. I can't wait to line up at the start line in the morning... and begin my 13.1 mile run. I've already decided what I am wearing, so thats one less thing to worry about in the morning. Ginny & I had black long sleeved shirts made with "born 2 run" on the front and our names on the back. Very cute, if I might say so myself. I will include pictures of them.. on my post race blog! :)

So I've got to wrap this up,.. because Hank is begging me to go to Huddle House for brunch. I will be sure to blog about the run as soon as I can. And tell you all about it!!!! Several of my other friends are running in it as well... so Good Luck to you all!!!! 
Prayers appreciated at 8am in the morning, please & thank you.
hopefully this guy wont be there... haha. well adrian can be there.. but not the underwear guy!

hopefully my sticker will be as cool as this one, for my car! :)


1 comment:

  1. Good luck tomorrow!!! So excited for your first half! Those nerves will propel your feet faster than you ever thought possible. Don't forget to enjoy it along the way. Can't wait to read your race report!
