
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

triple tangent wednesday? :)

SO! yesterday I forgot to do the triple tangent... so I've decided to do it TODAY! :)

1. I'm a very impatient person. I've always known this since I was young. If things don't go how I want, then I try to find other ways to make it happen. Or "bargain" shall I say. God bless my parents and now Hank for having to deal with this trait of mine. But its something I can not help.

2. I am a Christian. (smile) Although I do not currently attend church.. (which that is something that I've been convicted about) I am a child of God. And like all other humans, am not perfect, but every single day I try to work on that and be the person that I know God wants me to be. God has always been very good to me and has blessed me in ways that I do not deserve. His LOVE is strong and HE is almighty. :)

 3. I believe that Coke Zero & Diet Dr. Pepper are as good as the originals and that makes me happy. I consume one or the other at least once daily... and the fact that they are 0 calories makes them ohhhh so enjoyable.

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