
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

great strides

I'm ready for registration to open for the MS Gulf Coast Half Marathon on November 26th. Beyond ready, actually.

When I first started running,.. doing a half marathon was my beginning goal. So of course I needed to start out doing smaller races (hence the 5k's) and building up to the gruesome 13.1 miles. I call it gruesome because I am yet to accomplish this. Don't get me wrong though -- I am sure I will still call it gruesome afterwards as well but with different respect.

As I am sure I have previously stated.. the farther I have ran non-stop is 6.2 miles. Far, but not quite far enough. I am not even sure if I will be able to run non-stop for 13.1 miles come November.. but I wont be shameful for walking in my first half marathon.. as long as I finish. It can... and will be done.

So for any of you who have thought about running or who want to and are unsure of how to begin.. there are training programs you can use that tell you just how far and how long to run each day. Step by step, day by day.. on what to do to build up to this mileage.

Most programs are about 12 weeks long. NOW -- that being said.. I did read an article the other day that say most people needed about 6 months to prepare for their first half. Which for those of you who are interested in doing the one in November with me.. you still have over 6 months until the big day!

The sooner registration opens... the sooner I can get my spot locked down.. and my accountability in place. I know if I go ahead and pay for this.. I WILL DO IT! I will not back out at the last minute! I can't wait until the day.. that I cross the finish line and can say that I finished my first half marathon. No matter what my finish time is.. I will be proud! Not only proud to say I finished.. but to be able to say that I set a goal... and accomplished it. :)

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