
Friday, November 30, 2012

Finally Friday!

Yes its Friday! And I don't think I could be happier. This week has been a long one, which included me being sick for most of it, and I am just done. Done.

Hank has been working out of town every week, since ohhhhh, MARCH, and last night was his last night of being out of town for a while. Well he may still work out of town, but should be able to drive home every night. Which will be wonderful! I really don't think I will know how to act. Since March, he may have been home 2 or 3 weeks (a week here & there), so I am very glad that things will be getting back to normal.  I know he will be glad to be home too and not living out of a suitcase.

Hank's cousin, Whitney and my dear friend, Erica had their baby girl this past Wednesday. Because of Hank being out of town, and me being sick, neither of us have gotten to visit and meet the new addition, Brenley. So this weekend we will definitely be going to see her and finally get to hold her! We've only seen pictures so far and I can't wait to see that little girl!

Another plus for today, other than it being Friday, is that I get to eat lunch with my friend Adriane! I really don't get to see her a whole lot so anytime I get to spend with her, is very much cherished! Only 2 more hours til lunch, ha!

So if only this good mood can continue through 5 o'clock without any crazy pregnancy hormones interfering, then I will be one happy girl! 

Happy Friday, y'all!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A whole new future.

As many of you already know, if you are my Facebook friend, coworker, family, or friend, that Hank and I are expecting. One question that Ive been asked the most is, "was it planned?" And the answer to that is oh yes, very much so. (insert smile)

Hank and I have been together for a little over 10 years and in March of 2013, we will be married for 7 years. Time flies people. Over the years, Hank and I have been very back and forth about having children. "No, yes, maybe, definitely not, one day, never, we'll see?" And it's not that we didnt like kids, we just weren't for sure if it was for us, if we could afford kids, if we would be good parents, and so on!

We built a house last year and were finally able to move into it in January of this year. That's when the baby talk really started. Hank had just turned 30, and I was about to turn 27. It was decided between us that if we were going to have kids (we would probably want more than one) that this year was a great year to start on our little family. We are both getting older and if possible, I wanted to be done with having kids by the time I was 31 or 32. Just a little goal for myself, if it doesn't work out that way, then no big deal!

Its funny how just a year or so ago, I wrote a blog about this mysterious "baby fever" that I had heard so many of my friends talk about. I just couldn't fathom this longing, and sense of need to desperately need and want to have a child. But life sure has a funny way about things. I too, got to find out what this so called baby fever is. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but for me most things in my life somehow brought me around to thinking about a baby. Everyone I saw in town either had a newborn or were pregnant... More people started asking us when we were going to have a baby, and the list goes on and on. This "baby fever" feeds on itself and grows and grows with each day.

On October 1st, Hank and I found out that we were pregnant, and there are no words to describe the thoughts and feelings that I had. I am now 12 weeks. Just barely into my pregnancy, and so far I have been very blessed. No morning sickness at all, just small waves of nausea. Yesterday, we got to hear the heartbeat and it was nothing short of amazing to hear those little thuds! I'm starting to show just a little, but I haven't figured out if it's a baby pooch or just a hamburger pooch. But all of my normal clothes still fit, so that's a plus! 

We are very aware that in June our lives will be forever changed, and we are so excited. So far these 12 weeks have flown by and with each week passing, it makes me more eager to find out if we are having a he or a she. I'm sure once we find out our baby's gender, we will be eager for June to get here to meet our sweet baby. Whoever they may be! 

A little update on Kandi & Matt (my sister & her husband), they are having a boy! I was completely wrong on my guess that they would have a girl! But we won't REALLY know for sure until it is born, haha. They plan on naming him Hudson and they are still working on a middle name for him!